StyleBible is an Ireland style guide which features Fashion, Beauty, Health, Fitness and Travel, written in a way that makes all of these topics accessible to everyone, whether new to the subject or professionals in the industry
In all the features, there is a focus on Ireland, with suggestions for fashion stores not just in Dublin, but also in the west in Limerick and south in Cork. The same is true for Fitness centres and gyms. The travel section will direct you to all four corners of the world, whilst also making suggestions for places to see within the beautiful Emerald Isle, as sometimes there really is nowhere like home.
Love is definitely in the air in Ireland when it comes to fashion and St Valentine’s Day. No matter if Irish celebs celebrate with lavish gift or none they love to spend time together and prefer to cooking up a nice dinner and staying home. For more special February 14 we have some suggestions for Valentines day gifts for her. Irish celebs thought that the most important in a relationship and most of all a nice card. So remember that and enjoy Ireland style guide!

Beauty is vital to the soul, creating awe and wonder. We see this when we look at the stars in the sky, when we see animals traversing the savannah, a flowering rose. Beauty is also seen in the way a mother looks at her child. It moves us. Some would say it was almost divine. Beauty in an individual can be enhanced with the use of make-up. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but decisions are made within seconds, so it’s a confidence boost to know that you look the best you can.

Travel takes us away from home to see and experience new cultures, surroundings and cuisines. This may be an up-and-coming destination that hasn’t been easily accessible before, or because it’s something we’ve written on a list of places we want to visit as part of our Bucket List. Travel can be a night away in a neighbouring town, or a long-haul trip to New Zealand or safari in East Africa. It’s a chance to experience something novel and exciting.

Fashion is a way of expressing ourselves, our life style and our personality. Fashion is part of our identity, particularly when younger when it expresses our thoughts when following trends. Fashion allows us to create our own unique styles, whether we get inspiration from the catwalks of famous fashion houses or at the world-famous Fashion Weeks in London, New York and Paris.
Create your own visual style... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.

Exercising helps the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones, and at the same times helps to sculpt the body so that we have confidence to wear swimwear, the slim-fit shirt, or little black dress and know that we look good. Becoming fitter does not take a lot of time, you can notice results within days. You’ll have more energy to do all the things you want to do.

Reducing stress levels, eating healthier and increasing exercise leads to improved health. Most of us have to live in perhaps too much stress, purely because it seems to be part of modern life, whether tiredness from too many hours at work, too little sleep because of very young children or perhaps stress caused by illness. Yoga and meditation will improve the quality of life and can become part of a healthy lifestyle where you can feel better, participate more in physical activities and feel more confident in yourself.
Best Ireland Fashion Designers
Ireland has produced some very famous fashion and jewellery designers, including John Rocha and his daughter Simone, Louise Kennedy, Michael Mortel, Paul Costelloe and Chupi, with the numbers growing each year. There are more Irish fashion designers that are likely to become as successful as these names:
- Helen Steele
- Natalie B Coleman
- Danielle Romeril
- MoMuse
In addition to the fine jewellery collection, MoMuse is home offers a gold filled jewellery collection that mixes tiny fresh water pearls, swarovski crystals and agate semi-precious beads with gold. The shop also stockes work from other Irish designers, including Merle O'Grady’s jewellery; Eilis Boyle's exquisite range of cashmere and stationery brands Simple Things Cards as well as Leaf & Stitch's hand embroidered gift cards. Mucros Journals and Alpaca & Silk Scarves from Killarney are also represented. The store was featured by the New York Times as one of Five Places to Shop in Dublin in 2017.
- Margaret O'Connor
- Richard Malone

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